What is the minimum requirements to do the SAGMA course?
Matric with maths as a subject and preferably science.
I am not currently working in a mill and have no experience, but still want to do the course. Can I register for the courses?
It is not possible to do the courses unless you are employed by a mill and your registration supported by your employer, who have to mentor your progress.
I don’t have matric. Can I still register for any of your courses?
You can still register for the GMF course, which is not accredited with QCTO.
I have completed the Maize and Wheat GMF courses. Will I be able to also qualify for the SAGMA qualification and how does the RPL process work?
The possibility of RPL has been on the agenda from the outset, but specifically only for the learners who have completed one or both advanced courses. Currently we have a verbal agreement from the QCTO but still need formal approval and clarity on the need to complete a short bridging course and any other requirements which may be necessary.
I am a foreign student. Will I also benefit from the new SAGMA qualification?
You will benefit only to the extent that you complete the qualification and unless your government recognises the qualification, will not benefit from the accreditation as such.
Who can become a member of NCM to qualify for the lower member fees at SAGMA?
Any South African registered miller of wheat or maize can become a NCM member and benefit from the lower SAGMA fees. For more information on becoming a member of The National Chamber of Milling, visit their website on www.grainmilling.org.za.
Can SAGMA provide us with possible contact details of millers who qualified to recruit at our company?
Unfortunately we do not do any recruiting neither can we be seen by our members to be providing names of students to other employers. Following on the increase this year of the student fees we no longer have private students and all other students are funded by their employers. You may however provide the Course Administrator, Elmien, with the relevant vacancy details and requirements and she will place them on the SAGMA Facebook page.
What is the total duration of the SAGMA course and what do I need to complete to receive the SAGMA Certificate?
The course duration is 2 years during which time learners have to pass all eight modules and then, depending on the employer, gain further 6 months practiced experience before the assessment can take place.
Why are the workplace and practical skills (logbook) so important?
This is your proof of having completed each section of each module and your mentor’s confirmation of your readiness to do progress questions and exams. Logbooks are also a QCTO requirement.
Why can’t any member of the public buy a set of the new SAGMA study material?
Our material is strictly protected by copyright and is ONLY made available to members and other customers. Our tutors are also only available to the above . It is not in NCM/SAGMA’s interest to make learning material available to everyone who requests it, while our members and the NCM/SAGMA have invested heavily in the content and maintenance of the standards, which meet international criteria, over the last 40 years. For the record some overseas millers have experimented with mills being totally automated to run at night without on- site millers being present and have reverted to the old system of “shift millers” so millers will not be replaced by computers in the near future!
How do we apply for grants from AgriSeta, Foodbev etc?
Your employer has to motivate and complete an application (available on the relevant Seta’s website).
What happens if I fail a module? Do I have to pay the full registration fee again?
You will be responsible to pay for a part of the initial payment of the study fees.
I have failed a module more than 3 times. Will I be allowed to register again for that module?
You will not be allowed to continue with the course, before you have formally received Tutorial Assistance from one of SAGMA’s tutors, at the mill where you work.
What happens when I am unable to answer a progress question? Will the tutor be willing to assist me with the answer?
The SAGMA tutor will provide the answers, on request, after marking has been completed, bearing in mind that all the answers are contained in the module on which the questions are based.
What happens if I don’t have a mentor/supervisor/mill manager to sign-off my logbook?
It is an absolute requirement of the accredited course to have one of more of the responsible officials available and qualified to mentor you and sign-off you logbook. One or more of the responsible officials must be qualified maize/wheat miller for the production of food fit for human consumption. SAGMA’s tutors can provide tutorial assistance telephonically, but on site tutorial assistance can only be provided if the required is paid, and thy cannot act as mentors nor can they sign-off logbooks for progress questions or exams.