Syllabus Maize Milling

SAGMA’s theoretical courses for wheat and maize milling technology are designed to provide students with the competencies and skills necessary for effective problem-solving and decision-making in milling situations.  With technical information presented in eight modules, these courses cover everything from the basic principles to the most advanced techniques in milling technology.

To ensure maximum accessibility, these courses are offered through distance education, utilising a correspondence course model.  SAGMA provides a tutor for each course to assist students with any questions or difficulties they may have with the course material.

However, in compliance with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) requirements, students pursuing milling as a career are also required to have a mentor, an experienced miller or mill manager who can guide and assist them throughout their studies (at their mill).

The courses are structured to ensure that students receive comprehensive guidance and feedback.  SAGMA tutors compile and grade progress questions and semester examinations, providing students with detailed feedback and insights into their progress and areas for improvement.

SAGMA’s theoretical courses in wheat and maize milling technology provide students with the foundational knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to become effective and successful millers.  With experienced tutors and the support of industry mentors, students receive comprehensive training and education that prepares them for a rewarding and fulfilling career in the milling industry.

The focus of learning in this subject is to understand the maize milling industry and process and the applicable legislation.


  • The milling industry
  • The importance of maize as a crop and source of food
  • Maize production
  • The shift miller
  • Occupational health, safety and environment in the mill

The focus of learning in this subject is to understand maize grading, handling and safe storage.


  • Introduction to maize intake
  • Receiving and handling of grain in bulk and in bags
  • Silo intake operations
  • Food safety
  • Grading principles and methods
  • Silo stock control and inventory management principles
  • Storage of maize and maize products
  • Infestation control in the mill

The focus of learning in this subject is to understand the different methods of blending maize by removing impurities and conditioning by water addition.


  • Grain impurities
  • Grain flow control
  • Maize blending
  • Conditioning of grain
  • Quality control

The focus of learning in this subject is to build an understanding of all equipment used in the milling of maize and the efficient operation and maintenance thereof.


  • General principles of assets and asset maintenance
  • Control apparatus
  • Maize & maize cleaning machines
  • Rollermills
  • Plansifters
  • Concentrators
  • Aspirators
  • Centrifugal type drum sifters
  • Vibratory sifters
  • Degerminators
  • Flake breakers (drum detachers) and impact detachers
  • Mechanical weighing
  • Pneumatic conveying

The focus of learning in this subject is to build an understanding of the detail of the milling process, flow principles and the quality assurance of the whole process.


  • The Degermination process for maize milling
  • The Aspiration system for maize milling
  • The break and reduction systems for maize milling
  • The germ roll system for maize milling
  • Plansifter internal flow schemes for maize milling
  • Product quality for maize milling
  • Process controls for maize milling
  • The Milling Process for maize milling
  • Flow diagram principles and mill balance for maize milling

The focus of learning in this subject is to build an understanding of the effective blending, packing, storage and stock control of the product.


  • Blending and mixing of finished products
  • Packing and bulk storage
  • Warehousing
  • Mechanical handling of stock
  • Stock control in the warehouse
  • Distribution

The focus of learning in this knowledge is to build an understanding of effectively managing team members during a shift and reporting on shift performance.  Provide the Supervisor with the necessary knowledge and understanding to supervise a work team at the workplace.


  • Supervisory principles
  • Supervision
  • Training and coaching
  • Written and Verbal Communication
  • Interpersonal relations
  • Organisational structures
  • Productivity, motivation and performance

The focus of learning in this subject is to build an understanding of elementary science and apply its principles and fundamentals in the milling process.


  • Elementary science
  • Elementary measurements and calculations
  • Elementary mechanics
  • Elementary electricity