Semester Exam


If the students comply with the requirements regarding progress questions as set out above, they will be allowed to take the semester exam.  The exams’ duration is 3 hours per paper, at a designated venue, convenient to most students in a specific province, supervised by an invigilator, under strict examination conditions.

Some students will write only one session of the exam and others both the sessions. Herewith the outline of the sessions:

  • Module 1 (1 & 2) writes the morning and afternoon session
  • Module 2 (3) students write only the morning session
  • Module 2 (4) students write only the afternoon session
  • Module 3 (5) students write the morning session

Questions for the examination will be based on the theoretical and practical aspects in all the study material (less than 25% of similar questions set in the progress question paper are included in the semester examinations paper).


If the students comply with the requirements regarding progress questions as set out above, they will be allowed to take the semester exam.  The duration is 3-hours at a designated venue, convenient to most students in a specific province, supervised by an invigilator, and under strict examination conditions.

The examination will be based on the theoretical and practical aspects of all the study material covered to date (at least 25% of the questions in the progress question paper are included in the semester examination paper).