SAGMA’s theoretical courses for wheat and maize milling technology are designed to provide students with the competencies and skills necessary for effective problem-solving and decision-making in milling situations. With technical information presented in eight modules, these courses cover everything from the basic principles to the most advanced techniques in milling technology.
To ensure maximum accessibility, these courses are offered through distance education, utilising a correspondence course model. SAGMA provides a tutor for each course to assist students with any questions or difficulties they may have with the course material.
However, in compliance with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) requirements, students pursuing milling as a career are also required to have a mentor, an experienced miller or mill manager who can guide and assist them throughout their studies (at their mill).
The courses are structured to ensure that students receive comprehensive guidance and feedback. SAGMA tutors compile and grade progress questions and semester examinations, providing students with detailed feedback and insights into their progress and areas for improvement.
SAGMA’s theoretical courses in wheat and maize milling technology provide students with the foundational knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to become effective and successful millers. With experienced tutors and the support of industry mentors, students receive comprehensive training and education that prepares them for a rewarding and fulfilling career in the milling industry.